Seller’s Accreditation Form
Interested in A Business Venture with Cabanatuan East?
Become part of an emerging name in the real estate industry of Cabanatuan City. Apply now to become part of the impressive list of real estate brokers, sales agents, and business partners of a top real estate consultancy firm.
Download the form and prepare the needed documents listed below in order to become a certified partner of Cabanatuan East.
Individual Broker
1. Photocopy of PRC License Certificate and ID (front & back)
2. Photocopy of HLURB Certificate of Registration
3. Photocopy of approved BIR Official Receipt issued by individual
4. NBI clearance/police clearance
1. Photocopy of PRC License Certificate and ID (front & back)
2. Photocopy of HLURB Certificate of Registration – acting representative
3. Photocopy of SEC registration, articles of incorporation/by-laws (corporation) or Articles of Partnership
4. Board Resolution appointing broker as representative of the company indicating the extent of authority given to said broker (corporation)
5. Letter from Managing Partner appointing broker as representative of the Partnership indicating extent of authority given to said broker (partnership)
6. Photocopy of sample Official Receipt issued by Corporation/Partnership
Sole Proprietorship
1. Photocopy of PRC License Certificate and ID (front & back)
2. Photocopy of HLURB Certificate of Registration – acting representative
3. Photocopy of DTI Certificate of Business Name Registration
4. Photocopy of sample Official Receipt issued by Corporation/Partnership